The Premier Morse
Tired of trying to learn Morse code? Searching for a state-of-the-art decoder/encoder companion for your station that keeps right on working when the band gets noisy, and doubles as a portable QRP transceiver? Stop looking! It’s here! The DMX-40 is revolutionizing amateur radio CW communications with its extraordinary ability to decode in noise, and delivering you more features than you think could be contained in this handy, ingenious little piece of equipment.
Hear CW in noise
PreppComm’s customers are impressed with its intuitive functions and ease of use. Finally you can extract clear text from CW in the noisiest of conditions. Really! And its built-in receiver is considered to be better for CW than transceivers costing much more!
As well as allaying the frustrations of seasoned operators listening to code, this fascinating pioneer product supports learners—either as they hear it coming in and see it translated into text on the interactive GUI, as they hear their keyboard-entered text translated to Morse code, or as they watch the decoder process their manual keying to sharpen their sending skills.
Any license level CW
Whatever your license level, you now have access to CW communications that you could not previously interact with for lack of proficiency in Morse code. The included keyboard provides a type-ahead feature, accesses frequency-memory lists at a stroke and quickly executes commands or unlocks commonly shared information via single-key shortcuts.
Your ham radio programs
You can define your own micro programs to focus on your chief ham radio interests and access them on the touch screen or keyboard. Calling and answering are automated and displayed, or replaced with your own micro programs. Touch screen convenience gives you a view of what’s in the type-ahead buffer and rapid entry into comprehensive help menus.
It is truly astonishing what a small package with a few microprocessors can do!
- Unparalleled Decoder Capability in Noisy Environments: With its unique signal processing algorithms, the Morse Code decoder outperforms all others.
- Type and Read in English: Use the included QWERTY keyboard to type, while hearing outgoing and in incoming Morse Code, aiding in learning the code subconsciously.
- (Optional) Learn Morse Code: The included Morse Code Key-In capability with built-in decoder testing aids in learning the Code.
- Automated Send/Receive Protocols: Enter your call sign and other information for station setup. Remote station call sign captures automatically. All call and answer protocols are automatic – you only type your message. Or change the protocol via built-in micro-program editor.
- Set your maximum comfortable typing speed: While the DMX-40 can send very fast, it’s best to limit speed so you don’t starve the transmitter. A unique feature that maximizes the use of the type-ahead buffer in transmit mode calculates your comfortable typing speed automatically.
- Super Power Micro-programming System: Besides simple automating common text segments, the micro-programming system allows control over the transmitter, enabling many advanced features. 12 micro-programs up to 60 characters each.

- Advanced Direct Conversion SDR Receiver: with custom filter, balanced mixer, and low-noise preamp giving sensitivity ≈ 0.8µV
- GUI: 3.5″ color touchscreen LCD
- Weight: 11 oz with protective lid
- Size: 3.8″ x 5.2″ x (1.3″ w/o lid, 2.25″ w/lid)
- Power Consumption, receive: Approx. 1.4 watt, LCD backlight ON, approx. 0.96 watts with LCD backlight OFF.
- Power Consumption, transmit (average, 50% keydown): Approx. 3.4 watts at 12V input. Rises to 4.8 watts at 16V input (16V MAX)
- Power Output: Approx. 3 Watts at 12V input, Approx. 4.5 Watts at 16V input (16V MAX)
- Average Power, based on 25% transmit, LCD always on: 1.9 watts at 12V, 2.3 watts at 16V (16V MAX)
- Receive Tuning Range: 4.9 MHz to 10.2 MHz.
- Transmit Enabled Range: Extra Class: 7.0 MHz to 7.3 MHz, General Class: 7.025-7.125 MHz and 7.175-7.3 MHz, Technician Class: 7.025-7.125 MHz.
The DMX-40 Morse Code Decoder & Convertor Transceiver combines a state-of-the-art decoder, a color touchscreen graphical user interface (GUI), a Software-Defined Receiver (SDR) and a QRP (Low Power) transmitter, all powered off of a 12V power source, packed into a small, lightweight and very portable package.
The decoder uses innovative digital and analog signal processing circuitry and algorithms to overcome the typical noise found in most real band operating conditions.
GUI for countless features
The GUI includes a full menu system, and 28 unique graphic screens to accomplish an amazing set of features, some not found in transceivers at any price.
Automated functioning
Computer automation simplifies the process of calling and interacting with automated station ID’s and remote station call sign capture. The built-in automation can be user-modified using the powerful microprogramming language RPL (Rig Programming Language), with unique capabilities.
Operate on any band
Operating modes include normal transceiver mode and the unique External Mode, which allows operation with an external transceiver. Using this feature, operation an any band with the full decode and encode function, including automation, is possible.
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