Icom 740

A full-featured, older solid-state 100 watt transceiver with built-in power supply.  I have no antennas, and have not used the Icom for many years, so contacted my area ham radio group and asked for someone to power-up and test.  I was referred to a very experienced ham near me (108 Mile Ranch), who checked it out Jan 19.  He connected to his antenna to my Icom, and made contact with a very busy ham from Japan on 10 metres.  Signal report was five eight.  The Icom checks out fine.   If a prospective buyer wants, I will  provide contact information for the ham who checked it out.

Microphone, power cord, leads for 12 volt operation, manual, circuit diagram and circuit board layour all included.  Never used in the field – still looks like new with no scratches.

$425 – the value suggested by the ham who checked it out; or best offer

The post Icom 740 first appeared on Hamshack.

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