Listen out for World Thinking Day on the Air Stations are on the air this weekend and next weekend for World Thinking Day on the Air. Listen out...
New Scout, Cadet and Girlguiding Youth Champion The RSGB is delighted to announce that Samuel McCutchion, M7UEL, will be the RSGB’s Scout, Cadet and Girlguiding Youth...
New activities added for British Science Week Have you visited the RSGB British Science Week web page yet? Two new worksheets have recently been added to...
New RSGB emerging technology web page The RSGB has launched a new web page on how emerging technology can be used in amateur radio. Technologies...
Tonight@8 webinar: fault-finding and basic electronics in construction projects The next Tonight@8 webinar on Monday 3 February will help you navigate basic fault-finding and electronics within your construction...
Peter Bowyer, G4MJS to take on new RSGB Board Vice Chair role The RSGB has announced that Peter Bowyer, G4MJS is to take on the new role of RSGB Board Vice...
Keep track of RSGB strategy updates As we start a new year, the RSGB would like to highlight that it shares regular updates on its...
RSGB British Science Week amateur radio activity We are delighted to announce details of the amateur radio activity that the RSGB has provided for the British...
Tonight@8: fault finding in construction projects Have you ever spent time constructing a project, only to find it does not work? If so, the next...
Nominations encouraged for the next RSGB President The RSGB President is a prestigious and important role. Each President has the autonomy to shape the duties and...