Episode 318 – Eric Silverthorn – NM5M

Eric Silverthorn, NM5M, has a great ham radio story, especially at the beginning with the support of his family for this ham radio interest. Eric likes contesting, SO2R operation and is a teacher of the Morse Code at CWOPS and spoke about it at the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo.  NM5M advises new and returning hams to explore the hobby, pursue what interests you, and warm up the soldering iron. 

NM5M Resources:
Why Contest

Hometown: Houston, TX

First License:  1976, WN5WHR

First Rig: Kenwood TS-520 HF Transceiver

Contest Rig:
Drake C Line Receiver and Transmitter

Current Rig: 
2 X Elecraft K3s operating QRP
Cushcraft R6000 Vertical

Citizens Band Era
ARRL Ham Radio Books
Douglas Electronics, Corpus Cristie, TX, founded by Robert Douglas, W5GEL
Texico Corporation, Draftsman
Heathkit SB220 Amplifier
High School Homeroom 
Texas DX Society
University of Houston, Electronics Technology
Classic Rock Station
Geometry Partial Proofs
Field Intensity Measurements
Elevated Radials on Vertical Antenna
IDB Communications, Satellites
White House Communications Agency
President Ronald Reagan
Mikhail Gorbachev
Semaphore Mobile
Blackberry Smartphone
Craigs List
HF Triplexer for contesting 
Hamstick Antenna
Rain Scatter Communications
Yaesu FT817 HF/VHF/UHF transceiver as  Baseband Rig
Icom IC-746Pro HF Transceiver on 6 meters
Collins KWM380 Transceiver
BC348 Receiver
Hammarlund Super Pro 210 Receiver
Drake T4X Transmitter
Drake 2C Receiver
Collins KWM2 Transceiver
SO2R – Single Operator Two Radio
QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo
Magnetic Loop Antenna
Yaesu FT857B Remote Station
Remote Rig Modems
ISP – Internet Service Provider
Model 19 Teletype
Bill Mera, N2CQR 
Solder Smoke Podcast

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: Home Owmer’s Associations and electronic noise

Advice to new or returning hams: Explore and pick out the things that might interest you.  Pick up the soldering iron. 

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Kenwood TS-520 HF Transceiver
Drake “C Line” HF Rig
Elecraft K3 HF Transceiver
Icom IC-746 HF Transceiver

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