Episode 323 – Jim Moss – N9JIM

Jim Moss, N9JIM, portable 6, spends his ham radio life above 50 Mhz.  He has made contacts on every band above 50 MHz and is now working in the 122 Ghz band.  If you are considering a new and different frontier, N9JIM tells his amateur radio story and how to make the transition to VHF and Microwave in this QSO Today.

QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, March 2021, Speakers Page

Jim’s channels: 

First Mentor: Elmer “Bud” Frohart, W9GFF
First License: Dec 1968,  WN9AJZ

Friend: Brian Gaffney, WA9YUH

First rig: 
Knight T60 Transmitter
Hallicrafters SX-110

Heathkit DX-100 Transmitter
Drake TR4 Transceiver
Vintage CB Radio Walkie Talkies
Holycross High School
PDP-11 Computer
Illinois Institute of Technology, BSEE
Illinois Institute of Technology Amateur Radio Club
220 Mhz repeater with autopatch
Phelps Dodge Duplexer
Cobra 220 CB Radio
Wilson Electronics 220 Mhz Portable Transceiver
National Semiconductor, San Jose
Mayor Richard Daley, Chicago
Fairchild Semiconductor
LSI – Large Scale Integration
Mattel Electronics Games
Intel 4004 Microprocessor
COPS engineering
4 Bit Processor Cops
VHF DX Operation
Amateur Radio Grid Expeditions
ARRL Sections
Choosing an IF Rig for 10 GHz Operation
10 GHz Transverter
Two-Meter Operating Modes
Operating VHF FM Line of Site
Weather Inversion
Atmospheric Ducting of Radio Signals
ESkip Of Radio Signals
Meteor Scatter
Indicator Radio Bands – need reference
Bozo Net, California 
Yaesu FT-847 Transceiver as IF Rig
Yaesu FT-817 Transceiver as IF Rig
HF Amplifier
10 Element Two Meter Beam
Elevation vs Azimuth
EME or Moonbounce
WSJT Digital Mode
ATT 100 Dish Antennas Abandoned
1296 Band 6 foot dish and 80 watts for moon bounce
NASA Blue Cube 
Current project:  122GHz Rig Using Silicon Radar Chipset
122 Ghz Transverter boards
VK3CV Transverter Kits
TCXO 10 Mhz
OCXO – Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
Mike Lavelle, K6ML
Oliver Barrett, KB6BA
K6ML and KB6BA have World Record – 122 Ghz 
Amateur Radio Laser Communications
Nano Stepper Motor
Raster Scan Laser Aiming approach
50 Mhz and Up Group.org
ARRL Field Day

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: amateur radio publicity lacks message.

Advice to new or returning hams: Go do it. Find a local radio club.

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Jim’s Home EME Station
Jamesburg EME Operators, 2007
Jamesbury EME Feed-Horn
N9JIM 10GHz Rig

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