Very sad news just received from the daughter of John, ON4UN
It is with sadness, but also gratitude and pride, I have to let you know my father John ON4UN, has become silent key.
John’s health has steadily deteriorated throughout the year, but in the last few weeks he was home with us where he peacefully passed away yesterday November 9.
Ham Radio, and especially Low Band DXing, were my father’s lifelong passion and always had a strong presence in our house. Sometimes literally, when many of you paid us a visit or a group of DX’ers came over for a weekend of contesting. At other times in the background, when my dad was working on a project or experimenting with new equipment or antennas.
Though I don’t have a call-sign, I very much feel part of the big radio family and always will. I am very proud of everything my father has accomplished together with you, and I am grateful to the many of you who have given him so much joy over the years. We will miss him dearly, but we take comfort looking back on the beautiful life he lived as a member of the wonderful Ham Radio community.
We are planning a digital farewell ceremony on Saturday November 21st and will keep you updated on practicalities.
If you would like to send us a message please mail to ON4UN.SK@gmail.com – John’s old e-mail account is not in use anymore.
In the meantime, you can pay him a visit at QRZ.com where he always kept his resume up to date.
Marleen Devoldere
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