The American Legion national headquarters station K9TAL and several other American Legion Radio Club (TALARC) stations around the country will be on the air with special event call sign N9V for the Legion’s annual Veterans Day. N9V will operate on Wednesday, November 11, 1800 UTC to 2400 UTC. A certificate is available to all who contact one of the N9V stations.
N9V will be operating on 40 meters at 7.255 MHz (± 5 kHz), 20 meters at 14.275 MHz (± 5 kHz), and on 2 meters via the 147.315 K9IP repeater, as well as IRLP Node 9735, or EchoLink *CROSSRDS* conference. Visit the TALARC website for details.
To obtain a QSL card, send a self-addressed 9 × 12 stamped envelope to The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, c/o The American Legion, 700 N. Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, IN 46204. Include your contact time, frequency, and mode, either on a slip of paper or a QSL card. Details about participating net control stations will be posted online.
Elsewhere, Virginia Military Institute’s K4VMI will mark Veterans Day and the 281st VMI Founders Day from 0000 to 2400 UTC, with VMI alumni and veterans operating on HF, CW and SSB.
K1USN will be on the air to mark Veterans Day, until 0500 UTC on November 12, mostly on 80, 40, and 20 meters, CW, SSB and FT8 (and higher bands if conditions permit). QSL via K1RV (with S.A.S.E) or via bureau. A downloadable certificate is available via the K1USN website.
USS Midway museum ship station NI6IW will operate for Veterans Day and the US Marine Corps birthday, on or about 14.320 and 7.250 MHz, plus PSK31 on 14.070 (PSK31), as well as D-STAR on various reflectors. QSL USS Midway Museum Ship (COMEDTRA), 910 N. Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101.
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American Legion’s K9TAL and Others Marking Veterans Day with Special Events
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