The STARWAVES DRM SoftRadio allows you to conveniently enjoy any DRM live radio broadcast on your Android smartphone or tablet. No Internet connection required. All you need is an SDR RF dongle or receiver connected to your device via USB.
DRM or Digital Radio Mondiale is the global digital radio standard used for all digital international transmissions as well as for national and local services in many countries. To learn more about DRM and its features visit www.drm.org.
The STARWAVES DRM SoftRadio is designed for ease-of-use and supports all core features of the DRM standard:
– Listener-centric and easy to navigate app design and user interface
– Multiple user interface languages.
Currently supported: English, German, Simplified Chinese
– Convenient frequency tuning and DRM Service selection
– DRM Service labels and graphical service logos
– Full service metadata: programme/app type, language, country of origin, etc.
– All standardized DRM audio codecs incl. xHE-AAC with optimized tune-in performance for a quick start of audio playback
– Journaline, DRM’s advanced text application, allows to interactively browse through latest news, sports and weather updates, programme background information and schedules, distance learning/RadioSchooling text books, travel information, and much more
– Full Journaline feature set including hot-button interactivity, geo-references and embedded/linked images
– Convenient and fast Journaline information access with update notifications for page-content (and automatic updates for menus), as well as persistent caching for instant content access when switching between DRM services
– DRM text messages incl. DL+ support
– Slideshow images
– Unicode support for all textual elements: service labels, text messages, Journaline
– DRM EWF – Emergency Warning Functionality within the DRM transmission: in case of an emergency alarm signal, automatically re-tunes from the current service to the emergency programme; presents the emergency audio along with multi-lingual Journaline content to provide in-depth instructions with interactive access and to serve non-native speakers or hearing impaired users
In addition, STARWAVES DRM SoftRadio is designed for maximum tuning flexibility and performance:
– Free tuning to any DRM broadcast frequency
– Supports all DRM frequency bands – from the former AM bands (LW/MW/SW) to the VHF bands (including the FM band), depending only on RF dongle functionality
– Supports all DRM robustness modes (A-E), modulation parameters and on-air signal bandwidths
– Optimized frequency tuning and re-sync performance
– Graphical spectrum view to check the signal on the tuned frequency
For live reception, an SDR RF dongle must be connected to the device’s USB port (with USB host functionality). The following SDR RF dongle families are currently supported, along with a range of specifically tested models:
– Airspy HF+ family:
Airspy HF Discovery, Airspy HF+ (Dual Port).
(Note: Airspy Mini and R2 are NOT supported.)
– SDRplay family:
SDRPlay RSP1A, SDRPlay RSPdx, SDRPlay RSPduo, SDRPlay RSP1, SDRPlay RSP2, SDRPlay RSP2pro, MSI.SDR Panadapter
(Note: SDRPlay family support on Android is currently limited to the 32-bit version of this app.)
– RTL-SDR family:
The experimental support for RTL-SDR based RF dongles requires that you manually start the following separate tool before opening this app (on standard port ‘14423’): The app ‘SDR driver’ can be installed from the Google Play Store and other Android app stores.
The app is available on Google Play Store and Amazon App Store.
Please find more details on https://drmsoftradio.starwaves.com/
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