Another way to beat the HOA commandos when you want to operate ham radio. This antenna can be very hard to notice at all if you set it up in a stealthy way. 80-6 meters, SWR less than 2:1 across 80-6m, and handles 100 watts.
- My Go2 Antenna is perfect for HOA’s or portable / Emergency Communications use – a HF antenna that is quite capable of worldwide transmission and reception.
- Rapidly deployable HF antenna – set up & operational in 5-10 minutes
- Operates on 3.5 – 55 MHz; SWR ≤2:1 no antenna tuner required
- QRP – 100 Watts SSB, 25 watts digital
- Used during field testing to achieve DXCC and WAS status.
- My Go2 Antenna, with its proprietary impedance matching device has been successfully tested in ALE networks.
- Supports SHARES network frequencies without a tuner
- My Go2 Antenna is the HOA solution. The antenna is hiding in plain sight, virtually invisible even while deployed.
- Weatherproof – potted in epoxy resin with stainless steel hardware.
- Has been extensively tested in the lab and in actual daily use applications. W9TNG deployed his prototype Go2 antenna in 2020 as part of an initial Go2 antenna test team. It survived a harsh Iowa winter, and provided him with amazing results on all bands on FT-8! He worked all states and 100 countries.
- Built to exacting standards, intended for years of trouble-free use
- My Go2 Antenna is a complete antenna system. Everything you need to operate except your radio is included in the kit!
- Kit includes: Impedance matching device, 17’ stainless steel telescoping whip, two 32” copper coated ground rods, ground rod driver, 25’ antenna wire, two plastic discs and glue to attach your antenna disguise (birdhouse, insect house, etc), 50’ RG58 ultra low loss coax from The Wireman, Inc., and carry case. Kit is 32” long and weighs just under 10 lbs.
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The post Stealth HOA, Shunt Fed, 80m Through 6M HF Antenna By TN07 Engineering, MyGO2 Antennas appeared first on QRZ NOW – Ham Radio News.