Icom Incorporated (Headquarters: Hirano-ku, Osaka, President: Hiroshi Nakaoka) has been doing technical research on a new project to create a product from scratch by utilizing our wireless communication technology knowhow cultivated over more than half a century.
Under the theme of “ICOM SHF Project—Super High Frequency Band Challenge —”, we started to develop a new amateur radio available for use in the 2.4 GHz and 5.6 GHz bands.
Icom engineers are working hard to research and develop a number of never cleared challenges within the SHF band, such as large cable loss and higher frequency stability requirements. The ultimate goal is to bring it to the market as a new radio product.
Icom is striving to bring to you a new era in fun and possibilities of an SHF band amateur radio, which to date has had high technical and equipment hurdles to overcome, and we hope to make these bands more attractive and active so that anyone can easily operate on them. We are developing an epoch-making SHF band amateur radio that no one has never imagined before.
Please watch with intrigue as we continue with our new challenges, such as what kind of ideas and technologies will be implemented, and what kind of functions and designs will be used.
Output Power vs. S-Units
“This is one of the most important concepts in ham radio… the relationship between transmitted power and received signal strength. Sadly,… Read more
A Peek Inside The New Icom AH-705 Tuner
Unboxing the Icom AH-705 Compact Auto Tuner, one screw at a time. Read more
Ham Radio Basics–Jim, W6LG Sets Up a Basic Ham Radio Station
Jim W6LG demonstrates typical connections for a basic ham radio station; power supply, transceiver, microphone and key. In the next episode, other dev… Read more
What”s a Transponder, Anyway?
A question from an Oggie prompted this look at the use of transponders in amateur radio. Read more
New! Wattmeter HF/50 MHz FX773 3/5 kWatt
Technical Features VECTOR SWR/POWER METER METROPWR FX773Coverage 1.8/55 MHz 160/6mtHF/55MHz Measure Power AVG, PeP, dBm, R, Z, |X| , SWR, FrequencyWid… Read more
Introducing to Odyssey-2 (2017)
The new version of Odyssey TRX transceiver raises the bar of quality and capabilities, while remaining relatively cheap and simple, accessible for sel… Read more
Tech-out of the Xiegu XPA125B Auto Tuner + Amplifier
Today we take a look at the Xiegu XPA125B QRP Amplifier and Auto Tuner hooked up to the Icom IC-705. This amp will work with a variety of QRP rigs inc… Read more
Why Won’t My 80-Meter Dipole Cover the Whole Band?
Why Won’t My 80-Meter Dipole Cover the Whole Band? Read more
HF Antennas for Beginners: Tuesdays with Tim and Jeff
“We are bringing in 2021 with Tuesdays with Tim, K3LR and Jeff,KB8ZWT discussing HF antennas. Did you recently upgrade from tech to general? Tha… Read more
Cubical Quad Antenna JavaScript Calculator
JavaScript PROGRAM by N6ACH Ron vanVarden Sample: See More on Calculator Web Site: Link Photos – Click to enlarge … Read more
Unboxing the MyAntennas EFHW-80-10 End Fed Antenna
EFHW-8010-1K Multi-Band End Fed Half Wave Antenna This is an End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW*) antenna for 80/40/30/20/17/15/12 and 10m bands. Unlike many… Read more
App – Mobile
WSPR World Watch v2 – Andorid APP – Propagation Tool
This app answers the two basic questions facing radio amateurs:- Which band shall I use ? Where shall I point my beam ? It will be of interest to an… Read more
A New App Visualizes the Radio Waves All Around Us
Radio Waves The modern world is awash in a sea of radio waves — currents of electromagnetic radiation upon which our digital lives depend. What if you… Read more
Repeater Database APP ( IOS and Android ) – Now includes over 35 countries
Repeater Database “RepeaterBook – The Free Repeater Directory for the USA and Canada. Powered by the popular community database of… Read more
Introducing the Icom ST-4002A GPS tool for Android OS Devices
Automatically input GPS location data from an Android device to the transceiver. Compatible with IC-7100, IC-9100, IC-9700, ID-4100A/E, and ID-5100A/… Read more
What is Echolink? Ham Radio 2.0: Episode 56
Mark Goodrum, W5MHG, discusses Echolink for Ham Radio at the Duke City Hamfest Read more
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