Episode 385 – Chip Lohman – NN4U


Chip Lohman, NN4U, was introduced to amateur radio during an early stint as a US Marine stationed next to an Army MARS station.  Fascinated by the technology that could connect him to his family around the World, Chip got his first license.  NN4U has reinvented himself a few times over his career, and he tells this story in this QSO Today. ​


Our Listener Sponsors

This list is the total amounts contributed as sponsorships and/or donations since Episode 1 in July 2014.  Only those who agreed to be publicly recognized are on the list below. 


Link to Jim Stafford, W4QO, SK, QSO Today Interview

Birthplace: Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
First License: 1978, Age 27, KA6HWO
Electric Radio Magazine, February 2020, called Boat Anchor Magic, By Chip Lohman, NN4U

Current Rig: 
Kenwood TS-870S HF Transceiver 
Kenwood SM-230 Station Monitor
Yaesu FT-991A Transceiver
Heathkit HW-101 Transceiver
Elecraft KX3 Transceiver

HF: Buckmaster inverted V, OCF 7-band dipole
Cushcraft R9 Vertical Antenna
VHF: Elk 2M/440 5-element, Log Periodic Antenna

MARS – Military Auxuliary Radio System 
Crystal Set – How to make one
Air Force Brat
Kansas University, 1973, Education and Psychology
Ford Mustang
United States Air Force Mission in Brazil
Marine Corps Pilot
LPH Marine Corps Ships
USS Inchon
ATT Government Systems
T3 Circuits
Cryogenically Cooled Cellphone Filter
Brick RF Filter
Union Steward
Conductus, Inc.
Coast Guard Communications System revamp
International Date Line
Heathkit HW-101 HF Transceiver
US Marines Amphibious Warfare School
Worked All States Award
President Ronald Regan
The White House
Navajo Code Talkers
K4AF Pentagon Amateur Radio Station
Commodore VIC-20 Computer
CW Practice Software
Radio Shack TRS80 Personal Computer
Basic Computer Language
Compiler Commodore 64 Board
Howard Mills, W3HM – Heathkit Radio Restorer 
Collins Gold Dust Twins
Yaesu FT-757GX Transceiver
Electrolytic Capacitor
Kenwood TS590 HF Transceiver
NRA – National Rifle Association
Boy Scouts of America
Shooting Sports USA Magazine
10 Meter Air Rifle
National Youth Ambassadors Association
32 Foot Ericson Sloop 
Covid 19 Pandemic
ARRL – On The Air magazine
Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, by Ward Silver, N0AX

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: transition from do it yourselfers to youth without any expertise.  We need to get the youth more involved. 

Excited most by: ARES and MARS and staying involved in public safety

Advice to new or returning hams: Break out the books to keep up with latest technology. 

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Heathkit HW-101 HF Transceiver
Collins Gold Dust Twins

Yeasu FT-991A HF Transceiver

Elecraft KX-3 HF Portable Transceiver

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