Episode 403 – Tracy McKim – VE3TWM
Tracy McKim, VE3TWM, believes in the effectiveness of low power communications to communicate across town or around the World. Tracy uses his YouTube Channel, Outdoors On The Air, to first demonstrate the use of fiberglass poles to install wire antennas, and then to successfully demonstrate outdoor ham radio operation using those full size antennas to operate QRP single-sideband. VE3TWM is my QSO Today.
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Tracy’s Channels:
Outdoors On The Air – YouTube Channel Burlington, Ont Current Rig: Field Antennas: TERMS Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: loss of spectrum by other services, real estate prices block home ownership to young people. Excited most by: variety of operating interests, affordability of ham gear, increased interest in HF portable operation. Advice to new or returning hams: join your national association for spectrum defense, join your local club if they are encouraging and active, you don’t need the latest and greatest gear to enjoy ham radio, and focus on antennas. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here.
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