Episode 423 – David Trachtenberg – N4WWL


David Trachtenberg, N4WWL’s ham radio journey started with shortwave listening as a young teen growing up on the East Coast,  and once licensed, matured to operating Air Force MARS in the service of his hobby and country.  David appreciates the variety of new equipment and technology as well as making new friends on the air.  N4WWL is my QSO Today.


Our Listener Sponsors

The total amounts contributed as sponsorships and/or donations since Episode 1 in July 2014 are listed below, and only those who agreed to be publicly recognized. This list does not include “Buy Me A Coffee” donations.


First License:  1989, Technician Plus

Dennis Welch WB7VUM
Bill Conaway W8HNT (SK)
Chuck Borgrink W4LFO (SK)

First Rig: 
Yaesu FT-212RH VHF Mobile

Current Rigs: 
Yaesu FT-757GX2 Transceiver
Yaesu FT991A Transceiver
G5RV Antenna

Favorite Operating Mode:  Single Sideband

Shortwave Radio
Voice of America, Special English Broadcast
The Making of a Nation, VOA
Willis Conover Jazz Hour
Radio Moscow
Swiss Radio International
BBC Shortwave
Radio Canada International
Shortwave QSL Cards
Radio Nederland, Holland
VOA Relay Station
Radio Kiev
Radio Japan QSL Cards
Radio Prague
Radio Australia
Kookaburra Bird
Yaesu FRG-7700 General Coverage Receiver
Jacky’s Electronics, UAE
Tom Dempsey 63 Yard Field Goal, 1970 
WWL New Orleans
New Orleans Saints
Detroit Lions
Emergency Communications
Tech Plus License 
Repeater Autopatch
University of Southern California, MA International Affairs
Georgetown University, Foreign Service Degree
House Armed Services Committee
KSCR Radio, Los Angeles
Tommy’s Burger, Los Angeles
Universal M8000 Communications Terminal
Hallicrafters SX-28 General Coverage Receiver
Hallicarafters SX-71 General Coverage Receiver
Hammarlund HQ-170 Receiver
MT63 Digital Mode
RTTY Digital Mode
HF Amateur Packet Mode
M110A MARS Digital Mode
Shares Program – Department of Homeland Security
US Department of Defense
Air Force MARS
Massanutten Amateur Radio Association
EMP or Electromagnetic Pulse
Effect of Geomagnetic Storms on the Power Grid
Solar Flare
Carrington Event
Shortwaver Consulting – David’s consulting business
National Institute for Public Policy
Ham Shack Hotline
Northern VA FM Association
Skywarn Network

Greatest challenge facing amateur radio now: maintaining a level of interest among young people. 

Excited most by: variety of equipment and operating modes, and the opportunity to meet new people every day.  

Advice to new or returning hams: learn as much as you can about the various aspects of the hobby.  Tap in to elmers and mentors that came before and learn from them.

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N4WWL Ham Shack

Yaesu FT-757GX HF Transceiver

Yaesu FT-212RH VHF Transceiver

Hallicrafters SX-28 General Coverage Receiver

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