Episode 465 – Jack Mandelman – K1VT
Dr. Jack Mandelman, K1VT, was my guest in 2018, after meeting him on a DMR talk group. As my head is down in preparation for the upcoming QSO Today Academy Event, I wanted to bring back this great interview with Jack. Jack is on the short list for holding the most patents, over 700 Worldwide, in the area of semiconductor physics, while at the same time a successful ham radio operator working DX and CW. Jack is exploring satellite communications and DMR. K1VT shares his ham radio story episode of QSO Today.
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Started with shortwave listening
Vacuum tube kit with fahnestock clips All American Five Tube receiver line up W2IRS – Irish Radio Shack Hometown: Queens, NYC, Maspeth First License: Novice, Age 14 First Rig: Elmer: Norm, W2KVG Brooklyn Technical High School Education:City College of NY, BSEE, MSEE Microstrip distributed P nu in Diode IBM, Burlington Vermont, K1VT repeater US Patents of Dr. Jack Mandelman DRAM -dynamic random access memory Lazy H antenna – two stacked doublets 4NEC2 – antenna modeling software, Arie Voors Father Moran, Kathmandu, Nepal Favorite operating mode: CW
Bluestack DVMega – BlueDV ThumbDV – from Northwest Digital Radio EZnec – antenna modeling software 4Nec2 – antenna modeling software World Wide listing of amateur radio operators who work or worked for IBM. Pneumatic tennis ball launcher using PVC pipe, WB6ZQZ Most excited by:
Advice to new or returning hams: Prepare for a shock. Don’t be overwhelmed and use what you know already. Do more listening than talking. The RSS Feed for all audio content from QSO today is available from here.
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Hallicrafters S-38E Receiver
Heathkit DX-60 Novice Transmitter
Icom IC-7100 HF transceiver with VHF/UHF
Pneumatic Tennis Ball Launcher