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Yaesu FT-817 transceiver with accessoroies

Yaesu FT-817 transceiver.   Serial number 1K440610.

This ultra-portable transceiver runs five watts output.  All modes.  160 metres to 70 cm (but not 5 MHz or 222 MHz).  This the original version of the FT-817.  It is not the FT-817ND.  

It comes with the original hand microphone (Yaesu MH-31), a DC power cable with Anderson Power Pole connectors installed, a Yaesu SBR-32MH internal battery (9.6v 1900mAh), a “Portable Zero” Escort black rail and stand system installed,  a “Portable Zero” Sherpa Pack tactical carrier in green.

This is a good package for portable operating, such as POTA or SOTA.

The transceiver is in full working order.  I used it for HF portable operations and for 2m/70cm satellite portable operations.  I am selling this rig as a recently acquired an FT-818. 

I can bring this to the Ottawa Hamfest on 9 September.

The post Yaesu FT-817 transceiver with accessoroies first appeared on Hamshack.

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