Episode 483 – William Thomas – WT0DX


William Thomas, WT0DX, was inspired by an early interest in electronics, amateur radio, building Heathkits, to spend a career as an engineer and inventor, with over 150 patents, in the electronics and  ultimately the cable television industry where he was given the Cable TV Pioneer award by the National Cable Television Association.  Bill is the co-inventor of the Interactive Program Guide still found on most cable television systems.  Now retired, WT0DX, spends his time giving back to amateur radio through mentoring, contributing, and testing, and he is my QSO Today.


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William Thomas Resume

Remote Station Presentation for Digital Contest Dinner, By Bill Thomas WT0DX

Cleveland, OH

First License: 1968, Novice, WN8AVH
Upgrade to: WB8AVH

First Rig:
Heathkit DX-100 Transmitter
Drake 2B Receiver

Pirate Radio
Mechanical Engineer
Heathkit Vintage Stereo Amplifier
ARC5 Transmitters
Album Broadcast Stations
Cleveland Federal Building
Purdue University, BSEE, MSEE
Zenith Electronics, Chicago
Communications Technology, Masters Project, Purdue
ESL Incorporated, Silicon Valley
RF Sources Database
Television Ghosting Images
IEEE Award
Zenith Video Text or Teletext
Zenith Ztach Set Top Box
Magnavox CATV Set Top Box
Zenith purchased Heathkit
Intel Corporation Early Microprocessors
Intel 8008 Microprocessor
Homebrew Computer Club, Silicon Valley
Meet The Microprocessor, QST August 1976, Page 11
QST Cover Plaque Award
Texas Instruments Programming Console, 1976
Zenith Plant One, Chicago
Sony Trinitron Television
American Television Communications
Toshiba Set Top Box
Monroe Rifkin
William “Bill” Daniels cable television pioneer
CableTV Pioneer, NCTA
Rupert Murdoch
John Malone, Liberty Media
Interactive Television Program Guide
HITS –  Headend In The Sky, 1990’s Digital Tier
Jerrold General Instruments / Motorola CATV Products
Nielsen Ratings
Hexbeam Antenna
6 Meter Beam Antenna
WSJT-X Program
VK3AMA wrote JTAlert
Step By Step Setup for JTAlert
NO0T/WT0DX Remote Station
Win4Icom Suite Software
Windows 10 Pro
Splashtop Remote Desktop
ARDC – the Amateur Radio Digital Communications, Grant Advisory Committee
M17 Project
MMDVM Project
Parker Radio Association
Deep Space Exploration Society, 60 Foot Dish, SE Colorado
X-Files Television Program

Excited most by: Enjoy projects with local clubs, ARDC, and 
Advice to new or returning hams: returning hams, spend a littel money on modern transceiver, modest antenna, digital modes and get on the air. Find your local club. For a new ham – find your club and get a mentor. 

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Heathkit DX-100 Transmitter

Drake 2B Receiver

ARC-5 Transmitter

Sloans Lake Remote HF Station

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