E1294: Unleashing the Power of RADIO During a Power Outage – Radio Prepping

Radio Prepping and Preparedness is essential in the event of a power outage of blackout. Prepare NOW, so that you aren’t caught off-guard when an outage happens. This is a story from Australia about such a situation, and a challenge to Hams around the world for using local comms and repeaters.
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Link to original article: https://midlandexpress.com.au/latest-news/2024/01/16/radio-to-the-rescue/

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/524222062665203/?paipv=0&eav=AfaaRPHbn3gqgdcpk7z_gIqkWD63CNIzEhETQrUhSwy2TP_CCXA9cC9GsPEspdDL4lg&_rdr

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